Your VANITY GROUP Brand Based on Your Zodiac Sign

Want to know what VANITY GROUP brand suits you to a tee? Why not ask the cosmos for your match, who knows, maybe you'll find your star-crossed lover of a brand and be united forever more...

The VANITY GROUP Zodiac Sign Guide

Our VANITY GROUP Zodiac Sign Guide will match every zodiac sign to their fated brand pairing. Now is the time to see what's in store for you, whether you're a ferocious Leo or a social Gemini, we have a brand that will match your divine energy.

Aries (Ram): March 21–April 19

Aries is an energetic sign that usually makes decisions without hesitation or regret. Always fun loving and unapologetically honest, there is no better brand than Urban Jungle. Simple, honest, and effective skincare are pillars of Urban Jungle as they actively seek to make waves in the beauty industry in a loud and proud way. Their Gemini moon and Virgo rising are ever present through their abundantly social personality and five step process of skincare that will have any individual looking for structure swooning.  Searching for a brand dedicated skinimalism and inclusivity? Look no further than Urban Jungle.

Urban Jungle Skincare

Taurus (Bull): April 20–May 20

Unyielding and strong willed with an intrinsic connection to earthy, woody tones in their wardrobe, a Taurus is sounding more and more like a perfect match for bold Gabar fragrances. Gabar is modern, eccentric and stylish, their fragrances provoke tranquility, peace and quietude while provoking authenticity with boundary pushing scents. Taurus will tell you they’re of an identity that transcends others, a boundary pushing force of nature, a quality Gabar instills in each and every one of their pieces. Gabar has the perfect collection of fragrances for subtle but bold statements that wish to make real change, just like a Taurus.

Gemini (Twins): May 21–June 21

They say that two is always better than one, does the same go for faces? The multifaceted social sign of Gemini aligns with our socialite brand Merci Handy with their funny, outgoing, and inquisitive personality that brings the extra to ordinary just like this air sign. If you know a Gemini, you’re sure to realise the little dashes of magic they spread amongst the lives of those around them which is exactly what Merci Handy aims to achieve with their playful range of products. Always witty and curious, buzzing Merci Handy is always looking for new avenues to be just a little more special than the rest.

merci handy

Cancer (Crab): June 22–July 22

Absolutely devoted to connection between nature, body & life, clean formulations and a passion for the ocean, Cancer and Biology naturally match ideologies. A brand that is kind to the environment and you, Biology packaging is made with recyclable materials and is PH balanced, a natural nurturer that suits our little crab sign so well. Cancers seek the uncomplicated (as everything and everyone else seems complicated enough) and Biology is the perfect uncomplicated compliment to a personal care routine. A Cancer will always tell you to be kind to yourself, and that’s because all self-love starts with you and your Biology.

Biology Smart Skincare

Leo (Lion): July 23–August 22

The star (sign) of the show, Leo. The exuberant, energetic and fiery side of Leo always had to be connected to Jo Loves. Jo Loves exudes fun and excitement with every use. Like a lion, the fragrances demand to be noticed and used in every aspect of your life with a resounding roar of gorgeous smelling scent and fragrances. Roll out the red carpet for the Lion sign and Jo Loves as they paint the town red with the moments that Jo Loves most.

Jo Loves by Jo Loves

Virgo (Virgin): August 23–September 22

Straightforward and structured Virgo is a pair for our clean, pure formulation haircare brand, O&M. A humble brand born in Sydney, the industrious Original Mineral brand is practical, natural and kind to all types of hair. As the innovators and mavericks of clean haircare, O&M is an unequivocal match to our faithful Virgo sign as they dismantle the chemical formulation market in haircare one naturally derived product at a time.

original mineral o&m

Libra (Balance): September 23–October 23

Looking for perfect balance? Get your warrior pose ready with our wellness brand Yuni as our representative for the scales, Libra. An unyielding and seamless connectivity to oneself, the charm of a Libra is their ability to see things from all angles to enjoy every moment. Yuni seeks to find the balance in health, work and social life through natural solutions that save time, restore the mind, and relieve stress so that busy people can achieve the best in all perspectives of their lives with balance.

YUNI Beauty Yoga

Scorpio (Scorpion): October 24–November 21

A sexy, mysterious brand filled with the unknown? Scorpio fits the bill seamlessly with The Different Company’s After Midnight, a bewitching, magical fragrance that has a charming allure. While Scorpios can be quite sensual, they can also have a sharp edge, this sharp edge manifests in the freshness of The Different Company fragrances that enchant you with their captivating scents. The ever-cunning Scorpio and always innovating TDC will have your head in an absolute tailspin, let’s just hope you don’t get stung.

The Different Company After Midnight

Sagittarius (Archer): November 22–December 21

An idealistic adventurer who’s wanderlust never ends in search for new discoveries is where Sagittarius lands. Our wonderful TEMPLESPA founders, Liz and Mark Warom, have travelled across the Mediterranean which has inspired many of their products cheeky names and rich formulations that work absolute wonders. TEMPLESPA is a brand created by the exploration of experiencing new cultures which is a perfect match for our untamable fire sign, Sagittarius.


Capricorn (Goat): December 22–January 19

It’s clear that the only fit for Capricorn would be the black and white haircare brand, Mr Smith. It’s clear that a Capricorn loves all things hard work and persistence which is the perfect match for our sleek and clean-cut brand, Mr Smith. Being a perfect accompaniment to any shower routine, it is the perfect brand for our sophisticated and professional sea goat sign. To Cap it all off, Mr Smith products make you look like a million bucks, we bet that that has our Capricorns seeing green.

Mr Smith Balacing Collection

Aquarius (Water Bearer): January 20–February 18

Like a restless Mediterranean wind, Aquarius breathes the same eccentricity as Carner Barcelona with aromatic experiences of Mediterranean culture. With fragrances that are social, idealistic, and rebellious, Carner Barcelona seeks to approach scent to share the experiences of the Mediterranean with those who want to. These are the puzzle pieces that make up the individualistic nature of Aquarius and pair well with Carner Barcelona’s free-spirited nature.

Carner Barcelona Bo-Bo

Pisces (Fish): February 19–March 20

Pisces is highly creative, passionate, and loving. A great partner for our fishy sign is Hunter Lab as their highly innovative skincare products are not only for taking care you skin but loving the skin you’re in. The natural fragrances of Hunter Lab encourages you to take a deep breath and worry only about the present moment with formulations that soothe and moisturise the skin and mind, something that Pisces sometimes need a hand in.

The stars have spoken! Each of our shining brands absolutely fit seamlessly with their matching star sign, now, should we read the rest of their chart?